Questions about UNITE C-SC?

If you have questions about submitting a project to C-SC, please click "Submit Application" and read the FAQ on the application page. 

Culver-Stockton College Donation FAQ

How do I make a gift?  

UNITE C-SC makes it easy for you to support projects that interest you on the C-SC campus. Simply visit the project page, click the “give now” button, and make your gift directly through our secure online portal. If you would like to make a contribution but do not wish to give online, please contact Susie Biggerstaff in the Office of Advancement and Alumni Programs at 573-288-6320 or If you prefer to give by check, please make it out to Culver-Stockton College (be sure to include a note about which project you would like to fund) and mail it to:


Culver-Stockton College 

ATTN: Office of Advancement

One College Hill

Canton, MO 63435 



Can my employer match my gift to UNITE C-SC? 

Yes! Many companies match charitable contributions of their employees up to a certain amount each year. Matching gifts are a great way for donors to maximize contributions to C-SC and increase the impact of their gifts. 


Is my gift to a C-SC tax-deductible? How will I receive my tax receipt?

Culver-Stockton College is a 501(c)(3) organization and all gifts to Culver-Stockton College are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the IRS regulations. However, everyone's financial circumstances are different, so we ask that you consult with a financial adviser on your tax deduction. You will receive an electronic receipt upon successful completion of your gift at the email address you included on the giving form.



Additional questions? Please contact us!

If you have additional questions about Giving to C-SC, please contact the Office of Advancement and Alumni Programs at or by calling 1-800-755-2287. 

Culver-Stockton College FAQ

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